To be honest, my transgender girlfriend smiles 90 percent of the time. She doesn't need expensive handbags or expensive dinners to be happy. She is very happy to be with me and I firmly believe that this is the foundation of a happy relationship. As a matter of fact, this is a phenomenon I often see in Thailand. In western countries, people earn less than average workers, but they are happier and more satisfied with their lives. I really hope you find a Thai transgender girlfriend with a positive attitude and a charming smile.
Rudeness is a big problem in the western world. Just as many students do not respect their teachers, many women lose their respect for men. It's pretty sad, but there are ways out of this pain. It's really hard to go to Thailand and find a transgender woman who doesn't respect others. Thais have grown up believing that respect for others is important. If you respect your Thai transgender girlfriend, she will respect you.
My transgender girlfriend likes to wear beautiful dresses and jewelry. For me, being beautiful is a ritual that she really likes. You can't say the same thing to many western women. I live in Germany and whenever I see a transgender girl wearing high heels and a beautiful dress, I want to celebrate Christmas because it's so rare. This is not uncommon in Thailand. Thai women like to wear beautiful clothes to show the world that they are beautiful women. I'm sure the next Thai trans girl you date will show you how beautiful she is.
My Thai transgender girlfriend and some other grindr trans doesn't need the noise of bars and clubs. She is very happy to stay at home with me and watch movies. I really appreciate it. I'm not a big fan of the club, and the last thing I want is a transgender girl who needs 24-hour action. Although some Thai transgender girls like to party, the number of women who want to go to nightclubs every weekend is far lower than in western countries. Drinking and partying all night is not part of the original culture. Maybe it has to do with the next thing I like about trans girlfriends.
I really appreciate and respect her buddhist belief. I'm certainly not an expert on this, but from what I know about Buddhism, I can say with confidence that it's a very peaceful religion. Perhaps this is one reason why Thailand is so safe compared with other southeast Asian countries. I sometimes call my transgender girlfriend little Buddha, because she is always so relaxed and satisfied. I believe that her positive and peaceful personality has something to do with her buddhist beliefs.
My transgender girlfriend is a very modest person. She is grateful for what she has. She doesn't need fancy clothes or designer labels to be happy. In our capitalist society, it is difficult to find such a transgender girl, but in Thailand, it is absolutely positive. Of course, not all women are, but for many Thai trans girls, a supportive family and a happy relationship are more important than the latest designer handbags.